YAWN, STRETCH, YAWN!!! Dunno about you all but this chaotic week has really done me in yo! So tonight, I hafta ensure we get totes bouncin' and jam to the #POPtastic beats! In honor of the "sunsetting" of the iPod classic and all the awesome TRL-esque songs I've been streaming lately, it seems only fitting to take a pry into some the hits off of my iPod! And of course, I'll let you all chime in as well with those #POPanonymous requests that you all love to dance to but want nobody to see happen! We'll see you all at 10pm eastern after the Playhouse and FINALLY before Cherry's return, only on TheSwitchRadio.com!
Follow the MIX @ TheMarvelousMix.com, Blogspot, Facebook, and Twitter!
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